Our Team – We are a small company by choice, which enables us to build purposeful partnerships.

Think small

Do you know, 89% of commercial companies operating in Switzerland have less than 9 employees? We are a small company by choice, which enables us to build purposeful partnerships across disciplines and companies through agile thinking, because we are convinced that this kind of collaboration is impactful. We believe that partner and customer satisfaction is the key to our success. Which is why, we have been able to deliver all our services with utmost efficiency. Our customers references and the completed projects are a testament to this.


Andreas Hosang

Why did we choose the theme Astronauts?

No, my childhood dream is not to become an astronaut. When I was five years old, my mother asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up?

The answer could not have been much more irritating: Pastor.

Why I came up with this idea I don’t know. It is certainly not because we talked about faith. Perhaps it is because in our family there has been a culture over generations in which it was important to take care of others, not only of ourselves.

So, although I am not a pastor by profession, I am a pastor in my heart and I try to live out the values of the Bible in the way I do my business.

The astronaut stands for the desire to reach for the stars when it comes to standing up for honorable values. Reaching for the stars is always a dream for a person and I want to live my dream   Andreas Hosang


Elizabeth Kunhimon

Why Astronaut?

It’s an incomprehensible topic for me, one among many others. I never know the itty-bitty details about how the whole idea came in to existence. It’s the same for me with my God. I never know the microscopic details about the mysteries of God.

But, I believe one thing I can do very well, that is to work with people / for people. People, that’s my passion. Especially to be of use to others.  I would love to serve those who needs a little bit of support and love those who needs a little bit encouragement.

Be kind is my life motto. Being kind to people around me as much as it is humanly possible. I guess, if I were to depend on the human ability, I would soon run out of it. Its through the grace of God I received, that I am able to be kind to others.

My profession, as a Recruiter was monumental in shaping my character towards this, it definitely also opened my eyes to the see the world and come out of my cocoon.

So, to come back to  my first question, I believe in the amazing possibilities of our mysterious God. My skill and passion to work with people not be of any importance, but I look to Him who works wonders.

So, that’s why the Astronaut –  Elizabeth Kunhimon

Hosang Consulting
Bäriswilstrasse 16
3322 Mattstetten

Telefon: 076 327 32 82
Email: office@hosang-consulting.com

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